Feedback to a Friend

Friday, April 16, 2021

I had a conversation right after a posting that I put on Facebook referencing Jen (and since deleted) with a friend.  They made a comment about the possibility of a 'spirit' being trapped in limbo if the griever does not release them (get through the grief).  The comment has been rattling around in my brain for a couple months, and not in a good way.  It hurt.  It angered me.  The message received by me was that I was harming (trapping at least) her spirit by still being grief stricken.

I wrote out a response to collect, soften, and make sure I was complete in my thoughts and reaction.  When I originally started out, it was going to be a quick comment to be sent by text.  It grew.  It was heavy.  Texting it seemed to be mean-spirited in itself, while it was not actually intended to be mean, just feedback.  I was then going to call and talk (or read it to them).  It does not allow for rebuttal comments, it is just feedback, honest feedback on feelings.  As I read through it again and again, I started to wonder where input would occur from their perspective?  If they even remember the specific offending comment, would they feel threatened, attacked?  Then I started wondering what I even expected from giving the (unsolicited) feedback?  What was my goal?  To help them when discussing grief and loss with another?  Or to say that I was hurt?  Does it matter?  Does it really change anything?  Does it even harm the relationship?

I am not sure...

But these are the type of questions that I could have gone over with Jen.

<Friend's Name>


As I go through the grief process (for the third time..."Slow learner" and "Stupidest smart person you'll ever meet" come to mind) I cannot help but fixate on the comment you shared with me about the possibility of a person stuck in "Limbo" if they are not released by the griever.


Honest feedback, as life long friends, it sucked.  Please remove it from your toolbox.  It felt mean.  It feels mean still.


I truly believe that it was not intended to be mean.  I am not mad at you for sharing your (potential) belief, per se.  I typically welcome it!  And I am not asking you to believe or not believe a certain way.  It is just that I am not sure this one is helpful for a person in the thorough's of grief.


Over the years you have dropped some tidbits of wisdom and insight into how I am perceived by the outside world.  You may not have even realized the scope of the impact when given.  They may not have been requested, sometimes even hurt, but ultimately were (are) true, and they allow me to assess and course correct.  And unfortunately, I do not know how to guide you on assessing the impact that they will have before sharing them, so I continue to welcome (even request and ask for) these nuggets of wisdom and insight, with the commitment to share when they hurt too much (and not in an angry way).  This one really hurt though.


Can You Spare a Dime?

Friday, April 9, 2021

I thought I was done. Recovery in process. Moving on...But the Tilt-A-Whirl does not stop. Or maybe it is more accurate to say that my mind does not let it stop.

After meeting Jen's family back in August 2020, I had been reflecting on the visit. The soul crushing sadness is gone. Replaced by a low-level sadness, sure. But I think that I needed confirmation that the person I knew was really the person others knew her as too. I was afraid that the two would not be the same, that I was elevating, romanticizing, a connection that was not there or real. Not really interacting with people she knew, I didn't know if they knew the same person. The meeting was good to me in this regard. Confirmation was obtained. Her family brought up memories that were in sync with mine. I was able to answer questions that they had. And they answered many of my questions. I was able to add to back stories, share our single 'date'. It was new information for them, perhaps a little shocking to her Mother, but satisfying to her sister that Jen was able to pull off some typical, even rebellious, teenage shenanigans. The meeting was sufficient to put those concerns to rest. It felt like the door was closing, I had a feeling of peace, healing, and closure could set in and I could move on. I even 'received' a dime at the QuikTrip afterwards, my sign from Jen that she was there, and perhaps smiling.

It seems comical now that I would doubt my relationship and connection to the 'real Jen', but in isolation and after this many years, a mind can play cruel tricks. I was even starting to come to a realization that I may not have been the person for her (if a long term Jen were to have existed), no matter how much I loved her. I just would not have been the person that could have gotten her to her dreams and potential. The funny thing is, by and large, I think I'm okay with it. And in a way that I never would have been back then, if she had to have told me. Intellectually, I know the what-if's are fruitless...yet I still find myself deep in that hole. The recent change that I am starting to come to grips with, even if the accident didn't happen, 'we' may not have happened...or if I did somehow will it to happen, it may have ended poorly. Maybe it is a closure thing in my mind. That she was ripped away and closure (good or bad) never happened. But the more I play with the idea, the more the realization comes that, despite my level of love, I am not sure that the final outcome would have been good. And yeah, that would have sucked, but it would have also been such a disservice to her.

So my emotions began to settle down, for about a month. Then in late September, guess who was calling me in my dreams? What the fuck is wrong with my noggin? I seriously feel done, over it. Sadness has left the building. Why can't my unconscious come for the ride? In the dream, I even told her that I was done. Over it. Seriously, it's okay. She calls me back crying? WTF?!?! I got the confirmation that I was searching for. As much closure as can be expected. What the hell is left, what is my mind still searching for? Is it now just a long, drawn out ache from a hole in my soul? Does this wound ever heal? It has been 30+ years and I still have not figured it out. I have a sneaking suspicion that I never will. And the dimes stopped appearing...

Did I chase her away? Damage the memory or the relationship? With a dead person??? I am sorry! That is not what I meant to do. But I feel like I hurt her...her ghost. I want the dimes back. The gentle reminders, Jen popping into situations and saying, "Hi!", or sometimes even scolding me.

Why do I continue to be drawn towards stories or movies or songs of sadness? Is that the only emotion that I think that I have left to feel? I'm tired of feeling that weight, yet I continue down a path of emotional torment and destruction. Do I feel guilty for feeling happiness? Am I trying to feel other emotions and the only thing that I can muster is sadness? I started re-watching "13 Reasons Why" after my daughter heard the song "The Night We Met" on my playlist and asked, "Depressed much?" I had no idea what she was talking about. She mentioned that it was from the show and I couldn't remember it in there. As I continued to watch the show, it all seemed fresh, like I had never watched it the first time around. When the song came up in the first season, it hit me hard. When it started playing in the second season (which I was less prepared for), I was a blubbering mess. As I watch the series this second time, it was different. I was watching, searching, for a roadmap forward that would help me navigate my feelings. As if I could get guidance from Clay on how to proceed forward, through the loss, even though the death of Hannah and of Jen were very different, the shocking and abrupt loss was similar. Sadly, it did not satisfy those curiosities and no solution was obtained.

I am left with torment and loneliness. Silly, self-inflicted. I feel abandoned by Jen, but at my own doing. And no clear path towards resolution. I ask for her to return, but why? Wouldn't this continue my torture? Did she leave because I hurt her with my statements that I was done and over it? Or does she think that this is best for me? Is it? I am slowly descending into madness, asking for a ghost or spirit or angel to return. One that I told to go away...but I miss it. I miss her!

Why? I have a great family! Some good friends. What is missing that I need? A connection? Or some sort of an answer (and to what question)? So tired...of hurting. Of aching. Of being stuck.


About This Blog

Lost in the Cracks was to be the title of my attempt at the next great American novel. I wanted to write a story that would entertain, but also pass along a few nuggets of wisdom. Ten years later, I am still in search of the story and the wisdom. So this blog is an experiment for me; a way to analyze and, hopefully, to understand things that I need to get out of my head. Maybe so I will never forget, maybe to file them and let them settle on their own.


50 in 2012 Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge
Speed Weasel has read 1 book toward his goal of 50 books.

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