Here Comes a Large Wave

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wow, look how long is has been! I originally planned to share some thoughts, ideas, or things learned on a weekly basis. Nuggets of wisdom that I could pass on in my feeble and self-sycophantic attempt to improve the lives of others. Of course, all of this transfer of knowledge while remaining rather anonymous. On a side note, that is what “Lost in the Cracks” was supposed to be, the title of my version of the great American novel that would impart some sort of profound revelation to the readers through a carefully crafted novel that has yet to get off the ground…generally because I do not know the lesson that I want to flesh-out. However, being profound is not all that easy. (Shocking, huh?) I did not want to force the content, as it would come off as fake. I did not want to publish some vapid rambling (i.e. “I ran around the block today…and it was hot!”). Who really cares? Besides, with my likely audience of 3 people, I feel that it is better to build up the anticipation from lack of posting than to drive you away with boredom.

But ultimately, I am finding that the spirit of what I want to post and contribute is the culmination of some very (for me) distressing times. The repeating pattern seems to be shaping up as such: Something starts to nag or grate on me, it may even be subconsciously, which makes it even more fun, as I become an emotional freak-show and do not even understand why. I start to lose sleep, adopting an insomniac pattern, where I even lie in bed and just cannot get to sleep. Sometimes I can use this insomnia beneficially, and get things done with these ‘extra hours’. Sometimes that helps and then some sort of bizarre normal course resumes and the crisis-point is averted. Other times, where these great lessons emerge, the insomnia just wears on me, to the point of inducing hyper-emotionality and a ‘different’ level of consciousness. This is beyond the standard laughing silliness or spring-loaded anger that is typical from lack of sleep. It is hard to describe, but it feels like a series of events and concerns that just pile up until I am completely overwhelmed and then finally, collectively, breaks the spirit. Not having been through it, I caution to make the comparison, but it seems like the breakdown process that would happen in military basic training. Maybe I am just too stubborn in my ways and resist changing a course that I am taking until it hurts so much in continuing that I have to change to a different way just to continue in a sane fashion…All of this compounded by having my wife and kids not understanding what is going on with me and not being able to explain it to them myself. Am I protecting them by not sharing during these difficult times, or am I denying them the opportunity to help me, to learn both the lesson that I am learning as well as and deeper and more intimate knowledge about me? The question almost seems silly when I write it down, but the frustration from not understanding what I am going through or being able to offer guidance as to what I need or what will help is very real and debilitating!

The cool part is that as I emerge I tend to have found some nugget of wisdom or change in my ways that in hindsight is better (and why did it take so long to figure out?). The frustrating side is that it is neither a fast process, nor one that I understand in the beginning (or middle) phases. Both issues, patience and uncertainty or ‘greyness’ (and just now, during this writing, adding relationships to the mix, never a real strong area of mine) are ones that I need to get better with so that I can start figuring this stuff out without the intense pain that I am putting myself through.

So, to quickly get to the point, the past couple of months have been building on my roller-coaster pattern. The intensity has stepped up a bit over the past couple weeks, and the recording of the crazy ride will be coming soon. As I have somewhat hinted at above, this time there seems to be a multiplicity of issues. A path of judgments and observations (and their interdependence), a path of spirituality (and those that know me as a recovering Catholic, I can feel your questioning eyes already!), and a path of relationships (perhaps with God and fellow man).

Usually I feel better when I start writing this stuff down, I even learn from it as I write it. While I truly believe that some cool things are coming, this time, I have a feeling that I have a lot of writing ahead of me…here comes a large wave…


About This Blog

Lost in the Cracks was to be the title of my attempt at the next great American novel. I wanted to write a story that would entertain, but also pass along a few nuggets of wisdom. Ten years later, I am still in search of the story and the wisdom. So this blog is an experiment for me; a way to analyze and, hopefully, to understand things that I need to get out of my head. Maybe so I will never forget, maybe to file them and let them settle on their own.


50 in 2012 Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge
Speed Weasel has read 1 book toward his goal of 50 books.

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